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The Impact of Church Camp

Writer: Kaitlyn ReeseKaitlyn Reese

I can remember it like it was yesterday. The Director of Grace Bible Camp came into our Sunday school class and told us about summer camp. It sounded like heaven! A whole week away from home, learning new things, meeting new people, and growing closer in my personal walk with Christ! I simply couldn’t think of anything better!

I came from a large family and unfortunately summer camp just was not in our budget. It was only through the kindness and incredible generosity of the members of my church that made it possible for me to experience summer camp. Every year from age 12-17 someone from my home church anonymously paid the cost for me and my younger siblings to all attend camp for a week. I remember being SO grateful for those people, though I never learned who they were. They might not know it, but they played a huge role in shaping my future, because I don’t know where I would be without their gift.

I started coming to GBC in 2008 as a young 12 year old girl, and now I am sitting on the front porch of the office building, watching my two wild toddlers play on the playground. I met my best friend here and ultimately married him. We are now the directors of the camp, and I get the privilege of sharing the gospel saving message of salvation through Jesus Christ with hundreds of children every single year! I am blessed beyond measure!

All of this is because of my church camp and the kindness of God’s people within my church that made a way for me to experience it!

I am a strong believer that every church should have a camp that they send their youth to. A Bible camp and a church have the same mission (or at least, they should!). The goal of each, is to grow God's kingdom, and to share His word with as many people as possible! Church camp gives children and teens the chance to do that in a completely different environment than their church. They are with new people and new teachers. This is a great chance for them to branch out and focus on learning too (even if they don't realize that they are). It gives them a chance to see a glimpse into what their future could look like. Coming to camp as a teen, I can remember looking up to the staff and thinking that I would like to do something like that one day! It gives children insight as to what working for the Lord looks like.

Grace Bible Camp is always looking for churches to partner with! We want every child to experience a week of summer camp! We offer churches an exclusive discount to send their youth. Many times churches will help families pay for the remaining cost after the discount. If your church is in need of a camp, GBC welcomes you! We would love to have you! Our facility has been the home to many church retreats as well! Don't hesitate to ask us any questions! We are happy to help! We have special packets we can send your church. We also love the chance to come visit your church and speak to the youth! If you would like information on summer camp or retreats just contact us using the button below! Together we can change eternity through Jesus Christ!


Our Address

111 Bible Camp Lane

Goshen, VA 24439

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TEL: (540) 997-9316   


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